Portable wave stage

Winter 2010 – ARCH 381 – Instructor: Corey Griffin

Portable wave stage thumb Click on the image to open a pdf.

The portable stage studio was a little different from all the other studios. We were given the task of making a stage that could be portable and adaptive to both site and performance.

When we started this project I got facinated by the energy and vividness of water and I explored how I could somehow use this element for a stage.

The most challenging part was probably the fact that the stage was supposed to be portable. To make the stage as easy to move and assemble as possible I tried to design a few components that could be used over and over.

While designing the components’ I  looked for a shape that could be assembled in different ways to create the energy and vividness of water.

“With just one component it is possible to build stages of different sizes and shapes to fit the site and performance. This also makes it possible for no more than two or three people to put the stage up and makes it easy to transport.”

From presentation document